Thursday, December 17, 2015

Writing Thank You Letters to Visitors

During Daily 5, we discussed the importance of showing appreciation when someone does something nice for us.  We have been extremely fortunate to have Mr. Durant share his love of nature and knowledge of life science as he visited our classroom for six weeks and presented his photographs. Miss Adams was a part of our classroom, and shared lessons with us in many different content areas. The Clif Foundations has shown incredible generosity by donating hundreds of books to our school and town library this year as we celebrate "The Year of the Book".


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Independent Writing During Daily 5

Daily 5 is a time for independent practice with reading or writing while I work with groups of students. For the first round of D5, some students choose "Read to Self" and some students choose "Work on Writing". 
Work on writing can have many choices. Some include: poems, story writing, lists, opinion writing, notes, and letters. I am always amazed at the wonderful work that comes out of their independent time. Enjoy this snippet of a letter written by one student.....

Holiday Shoppe

The Groveton Elementary School PTO is having a time designated to holiday shopping. This is located in the portable classroom and will be open for several days (see image below).

They have many items on sale with prices ranging from $0.25 - $11.00 (explore the items below). Stop by and help support the PTO while checking some "to dos" off your list!

Holiday Concert

What a wonderful performance everyone did during the holiday concert! I was so proud to be a part of GES as we all showed off our singing and dancing talent. 

Also, some very special art was on hand demonstrating our art talent. I hope everyone took the time to view these great projects. Thank you, Mrs. Becker for all of your hard work!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Turkeys!!!

These have got to be the cutest turkeys ever! The kids as well as the art projects. Haha! ❤️
Miss Leclerc and Miss Ladd were busy creating these masterpieces the day before Thankshiving break. 

Reading to Someone During Daily 5

Reading to Someone practices fluency as well as learning how to "coach" partners to become better readers. We practice siting EEKK (elbow to elbow, knee to knee) as well as giving a three-second wait time before offering "coaching OR time."  If coaching is needed, we focus on strategies under the "Accuracy" board.