Friday, August 28, 2015

First Week Math Manipulatives Exploration

We have enjoyed getting to know each other this week. Many different cooperative activities were focused on to better our friendships. In Math, we learned a new game practicing ways to make ten and also spent time in "Guided Discovery" using several different manipulatives. We are now ready to start using these tools during Math! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Summer Learning

I am feeling energized and uplifted after spending last week connecting and collaborating with a group of teachers in our area.  We got together at North Country Education Services  for K-5 Literacy Workshop and had the most engaging, productive workshop!  Gail Bourn and Gretchen Draper of the National Writing Project in New Hampshire were the hosts of this event.  They provided many wonderful ideas to integrate writing into the content areas.  I can't wait to try some of them!